Book Promotion Card

Business CardHave you considered having more than one business card? Over the course of the next few posts I will share several of my business cards with you. The first in some ways is the most obvious. This is the card I use to promote my book Turn Your Business Card Into Business which is the primary product related to this website.


This card features the cover of the book and the URL for this website . That is the only contact information because I want recipients to visit my site, read this blog and then decide for themselves whether the book might have information that is useful to him or her. You can see that in some situations your website is all you need. Also you can see how distribution of your business card can drive traffic to your website or blog.


The card also features the simple phrase Plant Seeds That Will Grow Your Business because I feel this is the essence of business cards.  I am like Johnny Appleseed encouraging the growth of my business and planting seeds that may bear fruit sooner or later.


I give these cards away at trade shows, to people I meet and I tuck two or three inside each book I sell to help encourage referrals. I hope this gives you some ideas you can use to promote your book or product.

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