Colorful Clown Cards


These colorful business card examples belong to two of my favorite people BOB-O The Clown and his hilarious partner in laughter LOVEE. Strictly speaking, these are not business cards they are in fact retirement cards. These two “clowns” are actually doing their best not to work and having a lot of fun doing it. They are two of the busiest and most active non-workers I have ever known. Non-working is their specialty since they’re always clowning around and that’s no joke.

People often ask me if they should include a photo of themselves on their business card. I sometimes reply “It depends how you look.” But more importantly it depends if it enhances your message. One thing we can learn from BOB-O and LOVEE is to show people what you do. I am amazed at how few actors or models have a business card with a picture. It seems obvious in this case but no matter what kind of service you provide why not consider a picture of you in action? 

Both of these cards start with a strong graphic element utilizing professionally produced photographs that reinforce their mirthful messages. BOB-O’s circus red background adds appropriate gaiety as does LOVEE’s purple poke-a-dot background. More than anything, who wouldn’t enjoy having one of these cards handed to them? Can you say as much about your business card? You don’t have to be a BOZO or even a BOB-O to have fun. Everyone has seen the standard business appropriate business card maybe it’s time to try a new approach that will make people remember who you are; consider that you might be fun to do business with; and be happy to receive your information. Why not think about interjecting a little fun into your business card?

BOB-O and LOVEE are octogenarians (no this does not mean they only have 8 genes) who graduated clown college last year. Maybe they’re slow learners. They are available to clown around at senior centers, parties and special events. They work by referral only so if you are humorously interested in having them not work for you, contact me and I’ll have their people get in touch with your people.

BOB-O and LOVEE suggest that you DO NOT slip on a banana peel but do slide over and get my book “Turn Your Business Card Into Business.”  




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