
BC2B_logoThe purpose of this Business Card to Business is to share ideas that will help you be better at relationship building by promoting yourself and your business through improved networking and improved communication – – particularly as it pertains to the use of your business card.

The General category will take you to useful business card ideas and conversations about topics related to business networking.
Some cool videos can be found in the business card audio video category.

In the book comments category I will share your reviews and comments about the “Turn Your Business Card Into Business book after you have read it.

I encourage you to visit and business card ideas category to see how others have effectively and/ or creatively used business cards to promote their business.

There are a number of industry specific articles. These feature ideas that will help you grow your business or increase sales through more effective relationship marketing. I plan to add an area soon on the website that will allow people to shamelessly self-promote themselves.

Please enjoy and have fun.