Put a business card inside your phone case

business card in phone case

I was out for a walk today on a beautiful Chicago fall day. At some point I decided to see what time it was, only to find I had lost my phone. Looking back at the leaf strewn landscape all around I thought, “This is not good.”

Carefully I began to retrace my steps thinking that my best bet was to look around one of the two benches I had stopped at for a while. After all I reasoned that my jacket pocket was too deep for the phone to just fall out as I was walking so it must have fallen out when I sat down. Anyway it seemed logical.

Well yippee there it was not too far away under the bench where I had stopped, nestled in a small pile of golden maple leaves with the brilliant sunshine reflecting off of the newly purchased shiny screen protector.

Anyway it made me muse about how someone might go about reuniting me with my phone if it had happened to be found. Since it is password protected it is not easy to get at my contacts.

That gave me the idea of putting a business card inside the case behind my phone, which I have immediately done. The card has my business landline phone number and my name as well as my email address. You might say that maybe no one would think to take the case off to look for an ID but at least it would provide an opportunity for someone to find me.

If you don’t want to use a business card an alternative would be a piece of paper with the number of a friend or family member who can get in contact with you.

My wife has pointed out that a good idea is also to zip up the pocket on my jacket which does indeed have a zipper for just this purpose.