Everyone knows that business cards are a networking staple that have been used to swap contact information for years. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are printed on beautiful paper. One of the business card varieties that is often overlooked is the plastic business card. A plastic card has many advantages in comparison to a regular card and these are just a few:
Plastic cards have more durability than paper cards because of the material used to make them. Business cards are often placed in wallets, pockets and other small holders. Plastic cards do not bend or tear, they stay resilient even in the smallest of spaces.
When was the last time someone handed you a plastic business card? It probably took you a moment to think about this question, and this is why plastic cards are unique. The exchange of these cards is few and far between so when someone hands you one it stands out from the pack. This is what the exchange of business cards is all about, standing out.
Design Flexibility
Plastic cards have a variety of options for design. One of them is the ability to print on a clear background. This allows for the inclusion of logos, text and colors that are not possible on a regular business card.
In addition to all of the points mentioned above, plastic business cards offer the ability to track through barcodes as well. This allows for those distributing the plastic card to keep a record of potential customers with information and special offers. Regular business cards often times do not offer this option.
If you haven’t already thought about investing in a set of plastic business cards now is the time. These trusty cards are durable and offer a unique way to engage your customers. Give them both an immediate and lasting impression of your brand and services.
Designline Graphics is the premier resource for high-end business cards, custom silk cards, plastic cards and promotional marketing needs. To learn more visit 4colorprint.com.